On your TV, on your tablets,
In all the media outlets
Screaming fanatic she-clowns
Preen about in ballroom gowns
On your phones, on your feed,
Everything you read
Teems with sidekick Stepford Barbies
And real-life female Chuckies
On the news wide and small
Rabid rants three miles tall
Singe our ears & smear our screen
in shades of unholy green
A convention of bones and bits
Fabric pulled taut over tits
Images dripping with ectoplasm
Medusa is having a power orgasm.
The blowed out Gorgon rears its head
A showcase of glossy womanly dread
Manufactured so we should emulate
Their looks and their hate
This Hydra calls forth an age of darkness
While shaming all that is femaleness.
Who are we to ask for justice, beauty & decency?
This here be a full-fledged Goddess emergency.