Courage, seeks the lion
Love, aches the tin man
Backbone, hopes the scarecrow
And for Dorothy, the way back home.
We are scattered dots in broken down colors
Bygone giants of baked lava
Piecemeal pieces of a forgotten puzzle
Trying to recapture the memory of our fall.
Still we strive for identical goals
Dream our dreams, drift in shoals
Aspiring to soar to the same heights
Deserving of the same rights.
Now spread out and kept apart
Having lost the sweetness of our hearts
We dwell in fortresses of solitude
Where time is doled out in sound bites.
And Toto knows it all.
ART: Amédée Ozenfant (1886 – 1966), Les quatre races, 1928, huile sur toile. Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
Crédit photographique : © Philippe Migeat – Centre Pompidou.